BIO Food Research Institute
The bio bamboo salt is a gray bamboo salt which is finished by high heat treatment 9 times according to the earliest manufacturing method of the phosphorus acid teacher and the original taste and light keeps egg flavor.
Phosphorus -type cancer formulary
The origin of all cancers comes from weakness of the pancreas. If the pancreas is strong, cancer develops in other cancers. If the pancreas is weak, pancreatic cancer first occurs.
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Based on Oriental medicine based on the prescription of the cancer patients were treated, bamboo salt, sari, safflower seed, sulfur duck. We develop new medicines such as freshwater poultry, flesh, and walnut oil.
Treatment Status
제목 | 작성일 |
아토피 피부병 얼굴 전신 두드러기 지루성 피부염 피부미인
2022.09.25 |
(구) 상담 내용 확인 - 로그인하시면 10여년간의 5,000여개 질문과 답변을 읽을 수 있습니다
2022.08.21 |
소화불량, 위염, 임파선염, 과민성대장증후군, 사구체신염, 단백뇨, 후두염, 편도염, 기관지염, 생리통, 심흉, 두근거림,
2022.08.19 |
유방암(수술안함, 항암안함, 방사선 안함) 치료 과정 기록 시작 20220718
2022.08.15 |
2022.08.15 |
Consultation for medical staff
제목 | 작성일 |
N 뇌암 관련 진료
2024.12.19 |
2024.11.26 |
2024.11.05 |
2024.10.22 |
2024.09.15 |